

abaQon Project Report: Core Banking Transformation


One of the top Swiss retail banks initiated a game changing project which aims at exchanging and modernizing their core banking infrastructure as well as changing their operational setup. Historically built as a cooperative of over 300 individual banks, the retailer suffers from little standardization and thus high operating costs as well as costly change-the-bank initiatives due to the heterogenous nature of the underlying system.

The goal of the project subsequently is to migrate onto a multi-entity capable state of the art core banking system and, at the same time, to standardize offerings and centralize processes, while still giving the banks a certain degree of freedom in order to account for local market specifics. Ultimately the new platform shall also be fit to expand it to third parties willing to outsource not only IT, but also operational processes.


abaQon supported the bank on this lighthouse project for the Swiss banking industry by taking key roles in the project organization, including project, stream and substream leads. We were responsible for managing all cross-stream related teams such as client output, cost & fees, accounting & access security etc. as well as for defining the future object model to its very detail. In addition we lead the stream responsible for design and implementation of accounts, payments and financial security, where we covered multiple roles from stream lead to solution architect and implementation specialist. The successful go-live of this project marked a milestone for both, the client and abaQon.

MigrationObject modellingProject management

Project Co-Lead

Manuel Dubler

Manuel Dubler, Managing Partner

Project Co-Lead

Philippe Vanin

Philippe Vanin, Managing Partner